The CC-TAME (Climate Change: Terrestrial Adaptation & Mitigation in Europe) project concentrates on assessing the impacts of agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and other associated land-use policies considering the resulting feed-backs on the climate system in the European Union.
CC-TAME’s international consortium is composed of 16 highly recognized multi-disciplinary science partners who will carry out the project during 2008 - 2011.
A technologically explicit bottom-up approach on the farm/forest management practice level to full fledged sector analysis allows the CC-TAME consortium to assess "The efficiency of current and future land-use adaptation and mitigation processes" on various levels:
- Land-use practice (fertilization, tillage, thinning etc…)
- Land-use change (e.g. bioenergy potential)
- Economic efficiency (cost minimization) - economic potential and competitive economic potential
- Efficiency of policy instruments (e.g. subsidies, auctioning of environmental services, taxes)
- Effectiveness with respect to political implementability and acceptability